EVVO Forum: Creativity for the Environment

  • Participation

"We must become the change we want to see" - Gandhi

How can South Moravian organisations educate environmentally? Is it even important?  What works for them and what doesn't? What do they want to do but don't have the courage, idea, experience or money? Where can they educate themselves in ESD? What are the possibilities for funding EVVO activities? What do children and "participants" enjoy and what are they not into?On 7 June 2024, the first EVVO Forum in the South Moravian Region sought answers to these questions. The subtitle "Creativity for the Environment" describes exactly the format we chose for this event.


EVVO Forum: Creativity for the Environment EVVO Forum: Creativity for the Environment


"Whom medicine will not heal, nature will heal." - Hippocrates

This is the undeniable truth. Today we are surrounded by terms like Green Deal, climate change, global warming, sustainable mobility, carbon neutrality, climate action plan and so on. And why all this? Because the 'doctor' that Hippocrates is talking about is himself sick. And how to cure him? Bans, orders, regulations, sanctions are not the way, we agree on that. Without enough awareness, educating people and making them understand what is happening and why, we will not move because "We must become the change we want to see." as Gandhi said.


The objectives of the EVVO Forum were to create a community of practice of EVVO providers in the South Moravian Region. To promote the sharing of experiences, ideas and inspirations in current trends in environmental education. The three-hour information-dense presentation block was rounded off by Workshops - a workshop during which participants in 5 groups created mini projects/ideas for practice on selected EVVO topics - Earth Day, Enviro Circle, School Learning Garden and EVVO activity in public space.

The event was organized together with the South Moravian Region and the Lipka school facility for environmental education.


 The students themselves presented their projects on behalf of Bishop's Grammar School Brno. They presented, for example, the implementation of the reconstruction of the school lobby using green walls, the school pond or the SWAP initiative, which created a space for the exchange of unnecessary clothes and accessories.

At the Židlochovice Primary School, students use a teaching garden, which they take care of themselves and develop project plans for its development. For example, an ornamental rock garden or a tactile trail were created under their supervision.

Examples of urban management and an unconventional conference venue were presented by the Open Garden in Brno. It is a space adapted for environmental education. Children learn about natural processes through interactive garden elements called the four elements or about efficient soil management in the nature garden - https://www.otevrenazahrada.cz/

The local action group MAS Brána Vysočiny presented its initiatives for the gradual implementation of the plan to reduce CO2 production. To this end, they organise, for example, seminars for residents on energy saving and efficient energy management. They also work with children and young people to raise awareness. They are also involved in a project to promote local production called Living Region or teach the public how to take care of the public green spaces in their neighbourhood. https://zalejme.cz/

A natural garden of five elements (and great tenacity).

Their goal is food self-sufficiency and a year-round supply of ingredients from the garden directly into the kitchen. The public can rent part of the garden for their activities. The garden also collaborates with the Jiri Mahen Library in Brno on the Reading Outside program, and children have the opportunity to discover the garden's bounty in the Who I Am program. You can find out what the garden is like this weekend during the Open Gardens Weekend -http://www.zahrada5elementu.cz/

Representatives from the Veronica Foundation, which focuses on the protection of nature, landscape and the environment, spoke mainly about sustainable fashion, upcycling or reuse, but also about the collaboration with fashion designers and students who, for example, designed bags from used packaging material - https://nadace.veronica.cz/

Representatives from the South Moravian Region, the Ministry of the Environment and the State Environmental Fund of the Czech Republic informed about subsidy opportunities to support investment and non-investment projects in the field of environmental education and awareness raising, for which the South Moravian Region has allocated the amount of CZK 4 million. CZK.


What does this mean for people?

Such events help to increase the competence potential of EVVO providers, which then has a direct impact on the target groups in the area in the form of various educational and awareness-raising activities for children and adults. They thus promote environmentally conscious behaviour.

Current progress


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Responsible for this project


Participation Team Leader




