In February, we organized the third meeting of the Expert Platform for Participation, which connects experts, organizations, and public administration to develop participation in the South Moravian Region. Participation means involving and connecting citizens in the processes that affect their lives. This increases transparency, and trust between citizens and local government and makes decisions more responsive to the needs of the local community. These meetings aim to discuss current challenges and opportunities in the field of participation and to find common solutions for effective citizen participation in public affairs.
At the last meeting we:
We summarized the year 2024 - successful projects and public involvement
- Hackateen: Youth for the Region, designed for representatives of pupil and student parliaments of primary and secondary schools in the South Moravian Region. The event gave young people the opportunity to become change-makers in their cities and municipalities and to propose innovative solutions in the field of SMART CITY and REGION for a better life.
- The project Improve Your School aims to promote participatory budgeting in secondary schools in the South Moravian Region. Its main objective is to enable pupils to actively participate in decision-making about how to use part of the school budget, thereby strengthening their civic engagement, critical thinking, and financial literacy.
- PARTICaffé, is a training and education program aimed at promoting citizen participation in towns and cities. The program is designed especially for mayors and local government representatives who want to effectively involve the public in decision-making processes.
- Promoting outreach in education is an initiative aimed at increasing the skills and availability of outreach workers. The aim is to enable people with reduced self-sufficiency to remain in their home environment for as long as possible. The project focuses on the promotion of outreach care in educational programs and vocational practice in secondary and higher vocational schools with a medical focus. The project involves collaboration between schools and outreach providers to set up professional practices so that students gain experience in caring for clients in their home environment.
- Preparation of a Climate Action Plan, which is a strategic document aimed at mitigating the negative impacts of climate change and strengthening the region's resilience to these changes. A participatory approach played an important role in the development of this plan, which involved the involvement of a wide range of stakeholders, including the public, experts, NGOs, and representatives of the public administration. This approach ensured that the plan reflected the needs and views of different groups of residents and professionals, which contributed to its comprehensiveness and effectiveness.
Planning for 2025 - new challenges and collaborations
- Food Hack
- Workshops of the Strategy of the South Moravian Region 2026-2030
- PartiCaffé STRATEGY
- Federal Day 2025
- URBIS Challenge HackaTEEN
- URBIS Community Health and Resilience
- COOLIDE communication app
- Year 2 Improve Your School
- Creating a New Healthy Region Strategy
- Collecting feedback - how to improve services for towns and cities
- Cooperation with UCEEB CTU on the PARTIBOT project
- Sustainability of Infopoints
- Accessibility - testing accessibility of websites and events
- Involvement of new partners
At JINAG, we have been able to work with the South Moravian Region, municipalities, and cities in the framework of participation, while developing participation with the third sector and youth.
Thank you to everyone involved and we look forward to the next steps! Wojciech Belch (ČVUT UCEEB), Michal Truhlář (JRDM z.s. ), Daniel Čmelík (City of Kyjov), Robert Osman (PRF MUNI), Eva Kalová (Brno - Healthy City), Jitka Boušková (NSZM ČR), Marek Sovka (JMK), Alexandra Suchalová (ÚSV SR ROS) - online, Lucie Smolková (Partnership Foundation), Patrik Reichl (JINAG), Dagmar Peřinová (JINAG), Zdeňka Slámová (JINAG), Lukáš Dubec (JINAG)