The Improve Your School project has a logo!

15. 03. 2024
Author: Zuzana Novotná

The Improve Your School project has a logo!

The project of participatory budgets in secondary schools "Improve your school" has gained its visual face thanks to a competition among students of the Graphic Design Secondary School Brno.

Since the whole project gives the opportunity to express their opinions and preferences on how the school should develop to the students themselves, it was only logical that the students themselves should express their opinion on how the presentation of the whole project should look like. That is why in January 2024 we announced a competition among the students of the Graphic Design High School Brno for the logo Vylepši si škola. The jury consisted of representatives of the JINAG agency, the South Moravian Region and the pilot secondary schools.

The winner of the competition was student Barbora Kmetíková, whom we congratulate on her success. At the end of February, the winner and the creators of the top 10 designs were presented with the award by the 1st Deputy Governor Lukáš Dubec, who came up with the idea for the whole project. The ceremony took place at the Regional Office of the South Moravian Region on Žerotínovo Square.

The overall visual identity of the project is now being further developed by the students. The result will be the project's website as well as information materials for the project's target schools.

The project "Improve your school" is intended for secondary schools in the South Moravian Region, which have the chance to receive a subsidy of CZK 36,000 for a selected activity within the school. The idea of how to improve the school will come from the students of a particular school and will reflect the real needs of the environment or the collective. Currently, the pilot version of the project is underway in 6 secondary schools in the South Moravian Region. The first phase of the project will be launched in September 2024, but schools will be able to apply from April 2024.)

The event is included in the activities of the Healthy Region and Local Agenda 21 project.

What do you think of the logo?


