The tornado in South Moravia in 2021 left a significant impact. The repercussions of the disaster also influenced the accessibility of social services in the affected areas, notably the destruction of the S-centrum residential facility in Hodonín. The South Moravian Region promptly decided to address the situation with a subsidy program to support direct care (in the client's home environment) in the Hodonín and Breclav regions. However, the program did not yield the anticipated results in its first year.
Providers of field (direct) care in social services did not fully utilize the allocated subsidy in the first year. The question arose: "why"? In collaboration with the Department of Social Affairs of the South Moravian Region, we decided to gather feedback from potential beneficiaries and incorporate it into the grant call's parameters to better address the territory's needs. This led to the creation of our first evaluation project, specifically focused on the regional subsidy call.
The entire project is founded on convening representatives of the South Moravian Region with applicants to discuss their needs and the requirements of the area. The aim is to design a subsidy program that ensures adequate coverage of the shortage in residential care in the Hodonín region through field care.
We conduct roundtable discussions with providers, presenting the processed outputs and proposed changes to the subsidy program to representatives of the Social Affairs Department of the South Moravian Region. We then consult on the further procedure. The contact with the territory has been highly successful, and the project has demonstrated its impact in several areas: an increased interest from clients and their families in direct care, facilitated by the subsidy; a growing number of individuals who can remain in their home environment despite limitations, with the support of field workers, without the necessity of being transferred to a residential center in another district; and, last but not least, improved access to valuable feedback.
Díky participativnímu přístupu k úpravě dotačního programu, zapojení veřejnosti z řad poskytovatelů terénní péče a otevřenému dialogu ze strany Odboru sociálních věcí Jihomoravského kraje došlo k efektivnějšímu využití veřejných prostředků, zajištění péče NEJEN o klienty zničeného S-centra v domácím prostředí a zvýšení povědomí o možnostech přímé péče.
Project name | Increasing the availability of field services for areas affected by the tornado |
Grant provider | Jihomoravský kraj |
Project coordinator | JINAG |
Implementation period | 12/2022 - 2025 |
Participation Team Leader