17. 01. 2025
Author: Zuzana Novotná a Nela Kadlečíková
Climate protection is becoming an essential part of public administration. The European Union is increasingly making environmental considerations a condition for project funding, which poses a significant challenge for smaller municipalities. That is why we have joined the GreenGov project, which aims to create a practical guide to help local public authorities adapt their strategies and finance their projects in a sustainable way.
Therefore, in December last year, we organized a meeting with local stakeholders and representatives of the region, to whom we presented the progress of the project - the implementation of the activities, the results of the last meeting with project partners, and what is expected this year.
The project started in April with a kick-off meeting in Hannover. This was followed by a second partner meeting in Craiova, Romania. The third meeting will take place in Milan, where the focus will be on aligning the regional strategy with European sustainability requirements and preparing regions to implement green finance. We will end the year with a partnership meeting in Brno.
The issues of green finance also touch on the Climate Action Plan we have been working on for the South Moravian Region. Green finance is closely linked to the Climate Action Plan that we prepared for the South Moravian Region because together they contribute to solving the climate crisis and promoting sustainable development. Green Finance provides funding for projects that help achieve the goals set out in both the Green Deal and the KAP, such as renewable energy, energy efficiency, or sustainable transport.
The GreenGov project is funded by the Interreg Europe programme.