Everywhere is good, home is best

  • Social and Health Services

A unique event with the aim of coming up with solutions on how the South Moravian Region can support the development and availability of assistive technologies.

Everywhere is good, home is best Everywhere is good, home is best


Assistive technologies (various monitoring devices, SOS buttons, sensors) help seniors and people with disabilities to live well and safely at home. These technologies help and facilitate the work of caregivers and social and health service workers. The availability and support of assistive technologies is an important way for the South Moravian Region to encourage people to remain in their home environment.


The Hackathon is a unique event that brought together a total of 25 solvers ready to come up with the best possible solution within 24 hours. Among the solvers were students from Masaryk University, Mendel University and Brno University of Technology, as well as representatives of social service providers and assistive technology providers and developers. Throughout the whole time, 11 mentors, persons with professional insight into the issue, were available to the researchers. The South Moravian Region was represented by several mentors, namely the head of the Social Department Petr Horehled, the head of the Health Department Luboš Císař and the head of the Conception and Planning Department of the Social Affairs Department Alena Novotná.


The Hackathon brought a total of six interesting and creative solutions on how we can support the development of assistive technologies in the South Moravian Region. The presented solutions were evaluated, among the evaluators was also Councillor for Social and Family Policy Jana Leitnerová.

The three best evaluated solutions were financially rewarded. The prize of the South Moravian Region worth 50 000,- for the first place was presented by Jana Leitnerová.

And who is behind the winning solution? It is the Super STRONG team, namely Anna Čechocká, Rostislav Jakoubek, Miroslav Prchal, Michaela Schneider and Radim Šejnoha. It is a team of social and health professionals with many years of experience who met for the first time at the hackathon.

What does this mean for people?

Cílem jejich řešení je motivovat a zapojit pečující, aby měli odvahu a dostatečnou podporu pečovat o své blízké doma. Řešení spočívá v dostupnosti technologií jako je SOS tlačítko (funkce detekce pádu, zvukové hlášky aj.), dále srozumitelný informační portál/platforma, který bude edukovat o využívání asistivních technologií, nabídne fórum pro pečující, informace o dostupných technoligií a podpůsných službách a další. V neposlední řadě je potřeba celou oblast podpory v domácím prostředí a využívání asistivních technologií podpořit osvětou, tedy masivní informační kampaní Jihomoravského kraje a spolupracujících služeb. Finanční podpora Jihomoravského kraje poté může být směřována přes stávající a existující dotační portál „Podpora pečujících“.

Responsible for this project


Services Team Leader




