• Participation

In a county where waste is sorted efficiently, smart technology helps manage smooth traffic, and offices are accessible 24/7. This is the future that the CESMOD RESEARCH CENTER FOR A RESILIENT, SMART, INNOVATIVE AND SUSTAINABLE SOCIETY  project will bring smart solutions to modern regions. Thanks to the support of the Czech Technology Agency, experts from different fields have joined forces to work on innovations in energy, transport, environment, and other areas.  



Terms such as smart cities, villages, and regions are increasingly appearing in various strategic and conceptual documents and among the public. While the Czech Republic has adopted the Smart Cities Concept for its development, there is a lack of a unified approach and a clear understanding of the basic principles of what it means to be 'smart'. This hinders the full potential of new technologies. 


The Centre for Research and Support for the Development of Resilient, Smart, and Sustainable Municipalities and Cities aims to strengthen public administrations' professional capacities and support the implementation of innovative solutions. The CESMOD project will contribute to a better understanding and use of the smart city concept in the Czech context and propose concrete steps for its further development.


The role of JINAG in the project is to establish and coordinate a network of innovation centers SMARTNET.cz with a focus on SMARTCITY, SMARTREGION, and SMARTVILLAGE and through our innovation brokers to animate innovation activities in municipalities and thus support the creation of pilot projects. Innovation brokers will present successfully tested solutions in practice in the form of workshops, and expert consultations to representatives of municipalities.

What does this mean for people?

The CESMOD project will for the first time concentrate previously fragmented research in one center, thus contributing significantly to the implementation of the National Smart City Concept and the modernization of public services.

Current progress

JINAG is piloting innovation brokerage in the South Moravian Region and collecting examples of good practices from representatives of municipalities and towns. In November, innovation agencies from all over the Czech Republic were also approached to participate in the project and the creation of the SMARTNET.cz network. 

Programme name TQ - SIGMA Applied Research and Innovation Support Programme
Poskytovatel dotace Technology Agency of the Czech Republic
Koordinátor projektu Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem (UJEP)
Období realizace 09/2024-12/2029

The CESMOD project involves the Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem (UJEP), the University Centre for Energy Efficient Buildings of the Czech Technical University in Prague, the University of Economics in Prague, the University of Mining and Metallurgy - Technical University of Ostrava, Masaryk University, the South Moravian Agency for Public Innovation JINAG, the National Network of Healthy Cities of the Czech Republic, the Innovation Centre of the Ústí nad Labem Region, z. s, STEM/MARK, a. s., and Municipalities in Data, s. r. o.

About project:

The project "CENTRE OF RESEARCH FOR A RESILIENT, SMART, INNOVATIVE AND SUSTAINABLE SOCIETY" (CESMOD" No. TQ12000017) is co-financed with the state support of the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic within the 5th public competition of the Programme for the Support of Applied Research and Innovation SIGMA.




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