Assistive technology: tools and services for safety, health and leisure not only for seniors

29. 07. 2024
Author: Julie Tomaňová

Assistive technology: tools and services for safety, health and leisure not only for seniors

Our society is aging. We have an increasing number of people who need extra care and support, and with that, an increasing number of relatives and friends who find themselves in a caring role, often at the expense of their own health or the ability to work and support other family members. At the same time, each of these informal carers is gradually moving towards the point where they need support themselves. As a rule, we do not like to think about it, and we like to talk about it even less; however, this is a course of human life that -for the time being- we cannot cheat. The topic of ageing with dignity and the overall area of care and support not only for the elderly but also for people with health disadvantages in general often comes up late, when we are already dealing with the consequences of a long-term condition or an unsustainable family and often economic situation.


Fortunately, there are services and tools to help the ageing, their loved ones and professional carers. Whether it is "traditional" style solutions, from various compensatory aids for the home to professional field services of social and health services; to new solutions, connected with technology, working with data and various means of computer technology. But as we know from history, the mere existence of technology does not make life better. That is why the South Moravian Region, the JINAG agency established by the Region and a number of other professionals and care providers in the region are looking for solutions to map these often chaotic waters of various smart devices, wristbands, mobile phones, buttons, glasses and sensors and make them easier to navigate for anyone looking for a solution to their situation. The challenge is not an easy one, these technologies are used in different ways, sometimes they are linked to a specific service (typically emergency care buttons), other times it depends directly on the level of involvement of the person using the service and their carer, whether the technology will be able to improve their communication, health care or safety; or whether the use of the service itself is linked to a limited area. 

At the same time, the whole issue is poorly anchored in law and perhaps misnamed. The term 'emergency' care' gives the impression that it is used by a person who is helpless, in a poor life situation and unable to take care of himself, and therefore by its name alone often provokes an immediate rejection. Yet it can be an effective tool for preventing a crisis situation, for strengthening the self-sufficiency of the senior and for the well-being of the whole family. Similarly, the broad definition of 'assistive technology' itself poses problems for professionals and the general public in understanding what it is.

The South Moravian Region has entrusted the JINAG agency with the task of extending assistive technologies to the social and health services of the South Moravian Region, thus making life easier for seniors and people with disabilities in their home environment.

"As part of the regional solution, we can help lay people and professionals to navigate more easily through the flood of information and find solutions to individual situations. That is why we are working on an information environment that will make the topic and possibilities of assistive technologies more accessible to informal carers as well as to the clients of social and health services and employees of providers of these services in our region. We are creating opportunities where we are looking for solutions, showing examples of good practice and looking for anyone who wants to join the challenge or try out different solutions," said Eva Nečasová, Social and Health Services Specialist at JINAG.

One of the next opportunities to meet, try out technology and push the environment a little further is the September event HOME IS HOME: on your own. The event will welcome carers, clients, service providers and academics. Everyone will be able to get involved in the further development of the information environment and try out the different facilities. Come and join us on 10th September at the Brno "Congress Hall. space" and you too! The event is free of charge after prior registration at




