projects actively addressed
workshops with stakeholders
based platforms
educational events
consultation with clients and partners
submitted concepts for consideration by regional authorities
participation in regional working groups and committees in the creation and implementation of strategic plans and documents
foreign study trips with representati ves of municipalities
participation in meetings with foreign partners
„Dear readers, fans of innovation,
Did you know the Czech Republic is ranked as high as 19th in the EU in the latest European Innovation Scoreboard with a 'moderate innovator' rating? We have a rating of 'strong innovator' or even 'innovation leader' in many indicators. So, what is dragging our country down? It is primarily innova tion in the public sector and digitisation, but unfortunately, it is also the indicator of 'environmental sustainability'.
That's why, in 2022, the South Moravian Region, in collaboration with Mendel University in Brno, Brno University of Tech nology, and Masaryk University, established the JINAG agency. This agency is not just part of our region's progress; it's part of your journey, too. Together, we're introducing innovation in the public sector and promoting its modernisation.
Our second annual report shows how we're doing. We're here for you, and we're making things different.“
Patrik Reichl, CEO
„Dear readers,
We established the South Moravian Innovation Agency JINAG as the South Moravian Region to help municipalities and cities with all the dynamic changes affecting them. I am glad that it is succeeding.
The main project we are now working on together is the Climate Action Plan. This plan should prepare the whole of South Moravia for climate change, and I hope it will succeed. In addition, we have several other projects, such as the CoolRegion portal with data on environmental de
velopments, support for community life in municipalities, and an energy managers' network to support in-depth renovation of public buildings for energy savings. You can read more about all the projects implemented in fiscal year 2023/2024 in this annual report.
I hope it will inspire you.“
Jan Zámečník,
Deputy Governor of the Regio
Modernisation of public administration
We perceive digitisation in public administration as a way to higher efficiency and better availability of services to citizens. That is why we support the education and motivation of local government representatives not to be afraid to use digital technologies and work with data. We explain the importance and benefits of digital transformation for public administration.
Last year, we prepared the CoolRegion data portal. We consulted on the possibilities of deploying digital tools and the use of artificial intelligence (AI) for the creation of employment documentation for the personnel department of the South Moravian Region's Regional Office. Together with the region, we launched a subsidy call for support in preparing pilot projects in the public sector Smart Accelerator III - Assistance. We implemented several activities in the field of digitisation and the use of artificial intelligence to support the digital transformation of public administration in the South Moravian Region. We presented the concept of digitisation of official activities to the regional authorities and established the professional platform Efficient Public Administration.
„An understandable, open public administration that provides citizens with quality services thanks to digitisation and open data. It is possible.””
Petra Balga,
Deputy director for operations and strategy
Participatory planning
Our mission is to create space for joint work between local governments and the public. And you know what the famous cartoonist Walt Disney said? "The best way to succeed is to try to do it differently." That's the motto we follow and are learning to follow for city and town leaders and citizens.
Involving residents and stakeholders in community development improves innovative solutions and increases the chances of public acceptance. The participation process streamlines all activities across all domains and influences the quality of the outcome.
We design and implement projects that involve citizens and partners in decision-making on issues that affect them and their lives. It doesn't matter if it's a public space, a grant challenge, or an internship in secondary school. We facilitate discussions where everyone is heard, where inclusivity, openness, active exchange of views, dissent, and accountability are essential. We help build stronger communities and more modern municipalities.
In the past year, we have organized a Association Day, improved secondary schools through school participatory budgets, supported education outreach, launched a grant program to increase access to outreach services for tornado-affected areas, started work on InfoPoints, and collaborated on the Healthy County project.
„Join us on a journey where every vote counts, and every idea can change the world around us! It's possible.””
Dagmar Peřinová,
Participation Team Leader
Social and health services
We believe that everyone should have access to quality and efficient services that are accessible and enhance their quality of life, even with the help of modern technology. Within the Innovation in Social and Health domain, we increase the population's awareness of available services, promote modern technologies in the home environment, and focus on communication between social and health service providers through electronic tools.
Last year, we began building a network of digital assistants, engaged in the process of transforming social services to support community life for people with disabilities, held a hackathon focused on developing assistive technology in the region, collaborated on a campaign focusing on mental health issues for young people, and mapped the accessibility of our website. We also set up a platform to tackle innovation in social and health services.
„Everyone has the right to live an everyday life and be part of their community. It is possible.”
Eva Nečasová,
Service Team Leader
Our efforts are focused on improving sustainable and efficient transportation in our region. By integrating advanced technologies and digtising transportation, cities can reduce emissions, improve traffic flow, contribute to excellent safety, and make transportation more accessible to all residents.
Last year, the Safe to School pilot project in Boskovice improved the safety of children on their way to school. This project also created a guide to the Safe to School programme in the South Moravian Region for municipalities, towns, and schools actively addressing transport safety. We carried out a questionnaire survey among the public about their interest in demand transport. We also established a platform for future mobility. We participated in conferences
and workshops on innovative mobility, meeting key stakeholders and sharing our expertise.
„Saving time, increasing transportation comfort and reducing the environmental burden of transportation. It is possible.”.”
Nikola Machálková,
Project Coordinator
Energy and adaptation to climate change
Sustainable energy and adaptation to climate change should be everyone's priority. That is why at Klima & Energo Domains, we actively contribute to the region's adaptation to climate change and support sustainable development efforts regarding energy efficiency and environmental responsibility. We help municipalities use renewable energy sources and reduce energy consumption. We seek and implement pilot projects focused on energy efficiency and climate change adaptation and mitigation.
In 2023, we launched several important projects. We launched the LIFE EnU project, which aimed at creating a network of energy managers in the region. We started developing a Climate Action Plan and joined the project for an environmentally sustainable and energy-innovative Chytré Líchy district. We became part of the Plus Change project, which promotes efficient land use. We are intensively looking for further opportunities to implement pilot projects at the regional and municipal levels.
„The South Moravian Region as a climate-neutral and energy self-sufficient region. It is possible.””
Karolína Smutková,
Domain Specialist for Energy
Cooperation in the preparation of strategic development documents and the implementation of their outputs
Thanks to our expertise, experience, and active involvement in working groups, we contribute to the creation and implementation of strategies that will lead to the sustainable and prosperous development of the South Moravian Region.
The cooperation aims to improve the quality of public services in the South Moravian Region through innovation by linking the intention of the regional and municipal governments with the initiatives of universities, businesses and the non-profit sector. Our active participation in the meetings of the South Moravian Region's working groups and committees has enabled us to be involved in the development and implementation of the region's strategic plans and documents. We focus on key areas such as energy, adaptation to climate change, social and health services, mobility, participation, and modernisation of public administration.
Support for international cooperation
Sharing know-how, experience and case studies is essential for us to take further innovative steps in public administration and other key areas. This cooperation has already been reflected in the launch of several international projects with broad consortia.
We are working closely with representatives of municipalities in the South Moravian Region and experts from the Regional Office of the South Moravian Region to develop activities with partner regions. We regularly meet with representatives of these regions and provide them with the necessary information on regional development through expert presentations and short-term internships. Thanks to this exchange of experience and knowledge, best practices are applied and used in the partner regions and the South Moravian Region.
We cooperate intensively with the Representation of the South Moravian Region to the EU in Brussels. Our colleagues from the Representation often participate in important conferences and workshops directly in Brussels. Thanks to this strategic position, we are actively acquiring information that we continue to disseminate to our region - informing mayors about new funding opportunities and grants in EU programmes or establishing further partnerships with international actors and connecting them with active pioneers in our area.