The climate action plan of the region is launched. The first in the country

05. 01. 2024
Author: Alena Knotková - tisková mluvčí Jihomoravského kraje

The climate action plan of the region is launched. The first in the country

The South Moravian Region is one of the regions in the Czech Republic that is most affected by the impacts of climate change. An increase in average temperature, long-term drought, heatwaves, massive soil erosion, and extreme climatic events such as torrential rains and strong winds are negatively affecting the local people, nature, and the economy. Recognizing these challenges, the South Moravian Region has decided to proactively address them by developing a Climate Action Plan (CAP) for the period 2025 to 2050.

The key objectives of this plan are to reduce emissions, increase energy self-sufficiency, and strengthen the region's ability to adapt to new conditions. We have the potential to be a leader among other regions in this area," says Jan Grolich, the Governor of the South Moravian Region. The South Moravian Agency for Public Innovation (JINAG) is the main coordinator of the project, ensuring the preparation of the Climate Action Plan (CAP).

"The use of renewable energy sources and the reduction of energy consumption in buildings are among the priority objectives of the South Moravian Region. We have to help mayors of towns and villages; without this, it will not work. We want to motivate them to strive to become the first region in the Czech Republic to achieve carbon neutrality, including the production of energy from renewable sources," adds Lukáš Dubec, Deputy Governor for the Environment.

"This is a crucial strategic document that will also enable us to access EU funding for climate change adaptation. The South Moravian Region can thus obtain 10 to 30 million euros," says Jan Zámečník, Deputy Governor of the South Moravian Region, adding, "The fact that we can do it is already evident now, as JINAG succeeded with the project of the expert network of energy managers and received 34 million crowns from the European LIFE project. These experts will be active throughout the region and will provide municipalities with comprehensive support in implementing energy savings in municipal buildings. Any municipality in the South Moravian Region can participate."

Comprehensive in this context refers to providing advice on both the technical aspects of the matter and guidance on securing funding for energy-saving initiatives, along with adherence to relevant legislation," explains Patrik Reichl, JINAG director. "This systematically conceived and uniformly managed regional network of energy managers is a notable innovation, particularly in the Czech Republic, and has the potential to serve as a model for other regions in the future," adds Reichl.

In addition to a broad range of consultations, the project aims to support tangible energy savings in municipally owned buildings, thus making an initial significant contribution to the ambitious KAP target. Specifically, it is anticipated to reduce CO2 production by 2,105 tonnes, develop investment projects for building renovations exceeding 500 million CZK, and boost energy production from renewable sources by at least 5.25 GWh per year.

The project will be executed in collaboration with the Partnership Foundation and the Association of Energy Managers of Towns and Municipalities (SEMMO).

"South Moravia faces challenges such as wind erosion and soil drying, necessitating the adaptation of our towns, villages, and open spaces to climate change. This is why the Ministry of the Environment has numerous subsidy programs that support initiatives like the establishment of wetlands, woodlands, afforestation, and programs aimed at reducing energy consumption in buildings. The adverse effects of rising average temperatures, prolonged drought, extensive soil erosion, torrential rains, and floods impact people, nature, and the economy negatively. These challenges are vigorously addressed in the South Moravian Region, a reality I personally experience as a resident of Brno. Climate change goes beyond melting glaciers; we experience it in tangible examples. Therefore, it's crucial not only to adapt our surroundings but also to focus on reducing emissions. I believe that the South Moravian Region's project will yield results and serve as an inspiration for other regions in the Czech Republic. I appreciate the region's commitment to building on the initiatives of the city of Brno," says Environment Minister Petr Hladík (KDU-ČSL).



